Tuesday 27 October 2015

Tips for ADC in League of Legends

So, there is like a horde of fail players that just want to play adc and that have a chance to get better if they don't play ranked for their first time with a hero. I found some tips from a League of Legends player ( UberGiantsBro)  who is basically diamond and could probably rape our asses so easily but i'll just take out what i find most important. If you want to see all of them, just click here

Tip #01: When learning ADC (or Marksman if you're a hipster) focus on csing well first, you'll have plenty of time to learn the other skills.

Tip #04: Further more, if you see your opponent getting ready to harass you when you go for a cs you can surprise them by harassing them back instead of going for the cs.

Tip #07: Heavy pushing can be an effective strat as you force the enemy to last hit under the tower where you can more easily harass him/poke tower.

Tip #08: Don't rely on your support for map awareness.

Tip #09: Dorans blade is the most effective start on most ADC's, coupled with a couple lifesteal quints you generally have enough sustain to survive the early game.

Tip #61: If there is a big wave pushing towards your turret try to trim it safely, you don't want to engage near the big stack of minions (especially early) and you want to leave as few last hits as possible for when it hits the turret.

Tip #62: In teamfights you should be focusing the most valuable target within range that you can target safely. This sentence alone should guide you for how you broadly want to play a teamfight as an ADC
 Tip #67: Experiment with your ADCs - be diverse with your builds and with your champions so that you can experience ALL the matchups and get to know what works best in what scenario.

Tip #68: Be critical of yourself. Don't blame your support when you get ganked or when you die in a teamfight. There is almost ALWAYS something you could have done better. Learn. To. Be. Critical.

Basically, start learning newbies because the game ain't gonna win itself !

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